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The Cave Diving Blog

The Ixtlan Cave Exploration Project

The Ixtlan Cave Exploration Project The making of the longest single-entrance underwater cave in the world by Ivo Kalushev, leader of the ATI Cave Exploration Team – Yucatan, Mexico 28 December, 2017 ( * updated January 2021 ) Ivo is the director the the speleology division of the EMKGI, leader of the ATI Cave Exploretion […]

Diving courses – Price vs. Quality

Diving courses – price vs. quality or “Why good training costs money.” By Ivo Kalushev, leader of the ATI Cave Exploration Team in Mexico and owner of the DivingMexico cave diving school (     NOTE: This is mainly from a cave diving perspective, but equally applies to the state of the recreational diving industry. […]

Save your own life underwater! How to deal with panic attacks while diving (and not only)

Save your own life underwater! How to deal with panic attacks while diving (and not only) by Ivo Kalushev,, ATI Cave Exploration Team    I want to share something with the diving community, which I think is very important and might actually save lives. I do not have anything original here, but I have […]

Why scooter cave exploration is safer than what you may think

Why scooter cave exploration is safer than what you may think By Ivo Kalushev, leader of the ATI Cave Exploration Team in Mexico and owner of the DivingMexico cave diving school (   DISCLAIMERS: The article below applies mainly to sidemount diving in Mexican setting – i.e. shallow caves. Some points about deep cave exploration […]

Cave diving ‘bad air’ incident, 14 May 2015, Mexico

Cave diving ‘bad air’ incident, 14 May 2015, Mexico by Ivo, ATI Cave Exploration Team, owner of the DivingMexico dive school (   Yesterday, May 14 2015 we had a serious “bad air” incident (not with a student, but with myself) with some very important lessons learned. I would urge all fellow cave divers to […]

Great dive at The Pit

A great video from a training dive we did last month for our friend Niki. It was a very difficult period for him and we hope this brings a smile to his face. Niki, you are an amazing diver!  

The website is now functional, yey! 🙂

The release of our website was delayed several times in favor of other projects, (Mexican style) but it is finally online! 🙂 We hope to be able to share with you many things which are usually hidden from public view, especially the new exploration developments in the two cave systems we control the access to. […]

Movie Teaser

A short teaser for a documentary about cave exploration diving in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. The full movie will be released in the fall of 2014.

A true teacher is someone who has insights about you, that you don’t know about yourself

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