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Cave Exploration Courses and Training



These special Cave Exploration Programs are led by Ivo and are offered only to full cave divers with significant experience and perfect skill set. The “Methods of Underwater Cave Exploration” is an all-encompassing program, which includes No-mount exploration skills, Survey, and basic Speleology & Cave Geology education and training. Advanced Sidemount, Multi-Stage, No-Mount and DPV certification and skills are mandatory for this program, and extensive in-water evaluation of the participants will be done before commitment. This program includes actual cave exploration. The other programs are more accessible, but still require high-end cave diver certification.  Upon successful completion of any of these programs a special ATI/DM certification will be issued and the participant will be eligible to join certain exploration events by the ATI Cave Exploration Team.

Ivo is exploring in the Ixtlan Cave System

Methods of Underwater Cave Exploration


  • Full Cave Diver, Advanced Sidemount/No-mount, Multi-Stage & Cave DPV certification by a recognized technical agency
  • 100 logged Cave dives beyond training in sidemount configuration

Course details:

This is an all-encompassing program which includes the whole skill set for underwater cave exploration – from cave geology and speleology training to survey and specific no-mount exploration skills.  Mandatory one day in-water evaluation of student skills and mindset is needed before the course is confirmed. The minimum duration of this course is 10 days, additional days may be needed to complete the program.

Cave Geology and Morphology for Divers


  • Full Cave Diver certification by a recognized agency
  • 50 logged cave dives beyond training recommended

Course details:

The course duration is 3 days. Prior in-water evaluation is needed before commitment.

Cave Survey for Divers


  • Full Cave Diver certification by a recognized agency
  • 50 logged cave dives beyond training recommended

Course details:

The course duration is 3 days. Prior in-water evaluation is needed before commitment. The course includes in-water survey skills, as well as survey software training.

Methods of Surface Cave Exploration & SRT Basics


  • Full Cave Diver certification by a recognized agency
  • 50 logged dives beyond training recommended

Course details:

The course duration is 5 days. No diving is done during the course, but a lot of theory, jungle trekking and SRT exercises will be done. Participants need to be in good physical shape and prepared for intensive physical loads.

A true teacher is someone who has insights about you, that you don’t know about yourself

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